Just in case some of you are wondering, here is an update on the cry-until-I-puke-before-I-go-to-sleep-at-night phase Miya has been going through. I think the first time was actually because she didn't feel well (which was in Hawaii, when we were on vation). The second time it happened, I couldn't tell if she was actually sick, or if the crying made her throw up. It turns out that when she cries really hard, she starts coughing. The coughing leads to gagging, and the gagging...well, that's where the trouble begins. Miya has never been a fussy baby, and usually goes down really well, so this has been quite a shock for us.
Sunday was not so good...I will spare you all the details, but it was messy. Monday was puke-free, and even crying-free. Calm before the storm! Tuesday was another puking night...it only took her 10 minutes of crying before we had chunks of lasagna, carrots, and milk everywhere. We couldn't believe how un-digested all that food looked, even after hours of being in her stomach! That bedding is getting tired of being washed, by the way. And we're getting tired of washing it.
Wednesday we decided not to feed her for several hours before bedtime, and she only cried for about 20 minutes before going down. No puking. Thursday was about 5 minutes of crying, and Friday there was no crying at all. And no puking! Tonight was a bit longer...10 minutes of crying, followed buy a visit from mom to deter any puking attempts...then another 20 minutes of fussing before falling asleep. So there you have it! 4 nights in a row with a decent bedtime routine emerging once again. Our baby with the perfect sleeping habits is trying to fight her way back...hopefully her puking days are over. Hopefully...