Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Budding artist

Back in November, Miya started drawing people with arms and legs. You know, the kind with all the appendages coming out of their heads. Well, one day after preschool, two of her teachers excitedly reported this skill to us, saying that it was unusual for kids her age (2 and a half) to draw people, never mind the detail. The child care worker at the gym was surprised to hear that Miya wan only 2, and told me the same thing this morning, so I had to look up the developmental timetable for myself.

Sure enough - she's a prodigy! :) I have been meaning to scan some of her drawings, and finally did it so that we could properly showcase the talents of our budding artist.

This is a drawing of the family: daddy, mommy, Miya, and Emi (she asked Jacob to do his own eyes, ears, and hair).

A picture of mommy...I'm not sure why I get a cone head.

Her friend Hayden. Most pictures she draws are of Hayden. When I pointed to the nose and asked what they were, she said "Two nose holes, mommy." Oh, right. She also made sure to show me the feet...see them?

A self protrait.

The drawing she did at the gym this morning with Nicole.


Anonymous said...

WOW! That is amazing. Can I have an autographed drawing? You know, just in case it is worth millions in a few years. I,m serious. I really want a drawing. :)

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

I loved it when Kari started adding detail to her drawings... Kaitlyn is starting to as well. It is so fun to see them develop in all fashions :) Plus, it must be nice to have a prodigy :)

RD said...

so cute !! I always wondered why all kids drawings of people pre kindergaten were heads with no bodies. lol my kids all did this no body drawing also. :)

Anonymous said...

I love your post, I am actually planning on post something like that with my son's drawing. I am keeping a binder with his work. I collect one per month to go to his binder and I love to see his development. ( I used to teach kids and love it)