Thursday, September 4, 2008

Books, books, books

Since I am officially "taking a break" from school, I have felt the need to read, read, read (fun stuff, for a change). I decided that I finally needed to check out these Stephanie Meyer books and see if I agreed with all the hype. And I do!
First of all, let me just say that I am so glad that I missd out on the first few book releases so that I could read all 4 books at once; I would have gone stir crazy waiting for the new books to come out each time...
I read all 4 in about 10 days...which is quite an accomplishment considering I have a one year-old...I gave up a lot of afternoon naps with Miya because I just couldn't put these books down. I was sorely in need of a good romance, I discovered, and I couldn't get enough of Bella and Edward. Now I'm so sad the story is at an end...I've tried to move on to Harry Potter (I never got around to reading book 7 after buying it when it came out), but I just keep wanting my romance back!


Sarah said...

Stephenie Meyerwas writing a book called midnight sun that was a book from edwards point of view. Anyway, it got leaked on the internet and she posted the unfinished book on her blog. I read it in a couple of hours and it is good too! Too bad she says that she will probably not finish it. Check it out here --

Leah Marie said...

I'm so glad you liked them! Welcome to the Twilight Fandom! :-D

Anonymous said...

Jacob, take Michelle out to dinner, or something. Don't make her turn to some sappy vampire love triangle!

kim said...

YEAH!!! Another one bites the dust. I love vampire romance :)