Monday, September 15, 2008


I thought I'd post a little something about Miya's speech and language progress. She's learned a lot these last few months, and I am so glad that Miya is a communicator! I was keeping a list of the words she says, and I was pleasantly reminded of how many baby signs she uses to communicate with me as well. She'll sign help, open, more, fish, cookie, milk, drink, eat, bubbles, orange, and will shake her head and nod for 'no' and 'yes' (not signs, but still communicative). If I model a new sign, she'll try and imitate it as well.

As for words, our all-time favorite word she uses is "uh-oh" which is her way of saying "Hey, I just threw (or will throw) something on the floor, so pay attention." In addition to trying to imitate a lot of what we say, my favorite new thing she says (while nodding her head) is "yeah" when I ask her a question. I need to get some of these on video.

She can also say and point to a lot of her body parts, and I've caught her several times these last couple of days looking in the mirror in our bedroom, and pulling up her shirt to point to her belly button (belly button is "duh-duh" right cute!). She is also obsessed with pointing to my eyes, nose, teeth, and tongue, and I've had many-a-stray finger painfully pointing those parts out to me when I least suspect it!

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